Friday, March 1, 2013

Funny Driving Laws

Funny Driving Laws (oh yes they are real)

We thought you might enjoy some of these hilarious driving laws. All of the laws listed below are 100% real.  It’s amazing that we live in a country that takes the time to make sure we are so safe, even if it means protecting us from ourselves.

1.     In Alabama it is illegal to drive blindfolded. (Wonder if you can wear earmuffs though?)

2.     In Rockville Maryland swearing from a car is a misdemeanor and can earn you a fine of $350! (Make sure your windows are up.)

3.     It is illegal to play in traffic in Dunn North Carolina. (That must give a lot of parents’ peace of mind.)

4.     A law passed in West Virginia making it perfectly legal to scavenge road kill as long as the fatality was reported no earlier than 12 days.

5.     In Derby Kansas you can go to jail for screeching your tires.

6.     In Glendale California it is illegal to jump from a car at 65mph. (so it must be ok at 64.)

7.     In New Britain CT it is illegal for a fire truck to exceed 25mph even if it’s on its way to a fire. (places not to live in CT….check)

8.     Alaska has made it against the law to tether your pet to the roof of your car. (That’s no fun.)

9.     In Oregon they have a law prohibiting cars from driving on the sidewalks. (thank goodness)

10.            New Jersey now requires drivers to honk before passing.

11.            Don’t stop for coffee in South Berwik Maine you will be ticketed for parking in front of a Dunkin Donuts.

12.            Driving through playgrounds is illegal in Dublin Georgia. (Glad someone cleared that up!)

13.            In Tennessee it is illegal to fire a gun at any wild game other than a whale from a moving car. (Ummm….ocean?) 

14.            In Minnesota it is illegal to ride a motorcycle without a shirt on. (Depending on the rider?)

15.            Nevada has now made it illegal to ride a camel on the highway. (Noooooo!)

16.            You will receive a ticket in Oregon if your car door is open longer than is deemed necessary.

17.            In Florida the fine for hitting a pedestrian is only $78. (Not bad)

18.            Ice cream trucks have been banned in Indianola Iowa. It is actually illegal to serve from any vehicle.

19.            If you’re driving through Youngstown Ohio make sure your gas tank is full. It is actually illegal to run out of gas there.
20.Hilton Head South Carolina has passed a law making it illegal to store trash in your car. (No hoarding!)